BMe Vanguard is an invitation-only award, enrichment program, and membership that provides inspired Black leaders from all walks of life additional Knowledge, Influence, and Networks (K.I.N.) for their work fulfilling Black aspirations to Live, Own, Vote, and Excel (L.O.V.E.). The BMe Vanguard program experiences are designed and facilitated by global authorities in their fields. BMe Vanguard membership is lifelong.

WHO: The BMe Vanguard Award, program, and membership are for Black leaders who are authentic, competent, build-oriented, and love black people and all people. Honorees come from government, nonprofit, business, and financial sectors and are deeply, personally committed, and remarkable people.
WHAT: We provide them a vetted community of their inspiring peers, attention to their self-care, and resources to expand their:
1Knowledge – Our courses are taught by top authorities in their fields, many of whom are Vanguard too.
2Influence – We teach skills for framing, persuasion, cultural competence, media influence, and more.
3Network – This carefully curated Black leadership family has over 400 Black entrepreneurs, executives, activists, and community-builders ranging from the owner of the largest Black-owned bank in the country to award-winning media producers, groundbreaking community activists, and best-selling authors who all care, share and dare to build a society wherein Black people and all people are able to Live, Own, Vote, and Excel..
100% of BMe Vanguards note they have greater confidence and agency because of the program; and 85% report that BMe significantly strengthened their personal or emotional well-being. 94% of BMe Vanguard report forming meaningful bonds with members, typically making 11 essential bonds during their 1st year, with 83% saying those relationships allow them to collaborate more quickly and fully for social impact. BMe’s $10,000 Black LOVE Fund grant to each BMe Vanguard allows them to start or expand projects that then attract over $540,000 of additional investment. For 67% of these initiatives, that go on to help millions of families to Live Own Vote and Excel, BMe was the first and catalytic funder.
Members of the BMe Vanguard program:
- Retain the title of BMe Vanguard.
- Can participate in exclusive informational sessions, retreats, and events.
- Retain access to the BMe Vanguard members-only portal.
- Can participate in exclusive informational sessions, retreats, and events.
- Receive a $10,000 grant for charitable activities that support freedoms to live, own, vote, and excel.


This program has radically enhanced the way I view my strengths and many facets of my leadership. I am not just an expert at what I am currently paid to do but an expert at being a Black woman in America, and expert at my authentic experience, and an expert in civil rights, justice, politics and more. This fellowship has seeded within me the courage to take risks and to trade the personal comfort of silence for the meaningfulness of being consequential. I will continue to speak in power and truth. There’s no stopping me now!

BMe has been a wonderful vehicle to connect with powerful brothers that love to work towards positive change. The BMe team, the information and the opportunity that has been shared with the leaders over the years is priceless! I am so very thankful that I can tell my grandchildren about the awesome brotherhood of black men working across the world to change our reality. I love to see my brothers shine and serve!

We’re on a constant journey to improve our impact because our children deserve our best efforts. BMe Community’s asset-framing helps us to accurately project our aspirations and align our leadership accordingly. I became a BMe Fellow and introduced asset-framing to our board because it is a useful, forward-thinking, and impactful leadership tool for building a better future.

BMe is a family-oriented fellowship filled with positive vibes and great energy… We are not connected by blood, but yet connected by love!

This was an amazing experience. I’m so grateful to be a part of the BMe Community. Narrative change work is so important and because we have been colonized for generations to believe disempowering narratives about ourselves and each other. In order for us to heal, we must work diligently to continually detox old mental/emotional/social poisons so that we can be rooted in the truest part of ourselves. From that place we are unstoppable. Thank you pouring on the love and activating the power!